For the efficient functioning of a business, identifying hotel supplies is really crucial. Without timely supplies, you will not be able to deliver hospitality to the customer. Supplies of tableware, utensils, towels, toiletries, bedding and cleaning products are essential for the functioning of the hotel itself. Food and Beverage (FNB) is a different sector in itself.
Picking the right hotel supplier for these products is of utmost importance. Hotel supplier and vendors are those businesses in the supply chain that makes the goods and services available to the hotel. They can either be the seller, manufacturer, or both.
Without a reliable supplier, your hotel’s business will get ruined. You can downgrade to a one or two-star rating easily if you don’t pick up the right supplier for even one product.
Pick Up The Right Hotel Supplier
We have listed down some of the tips you need to follow if you want to get the best and most reliable supplier which delivers high-quality products.
1. Guest Analysis
Before you make purchases for the hotel supplies, you need to understand what the customer wants. For example, all customers need towels, dental kits, shaving kits, clean rooms, hotel amenities, great food of popular cuisines, etc. After guest analysis, you can purchase the supplies that meet those goals.
2. Identify Which Services You Want To Outsource
Sometimes, it makes sense to outsource many of the services, especially if one does not have the expertise or the manpower. For example, you have installed new technology. The technology works great, but your staff is not trained to maintain it. You can outsource it to a company which maintains that technology more efficiently.
3. Research On Hotel Suppliers
Many hotels make the mistake of choosing the first supplier they get hold of, or they don’t do in-depth research. To avoid this mistake, you need to research, note down and compare different types of hotel suppliers. It is better to choose different great suppliers for different products, rather than choosing one for all just because it’s more convenient.
4. Choose Suppliers With Great Price And Good Quality
Before anything, let us clear out that a great price does not automatically mean a cheap price. Towel A may be cheaper than Towel B, but Towel A loses efficiency in one day while Towel B’s supply lasts longer.
The cost difference between them may be a few rupees, but the superior quality of B Towel will make it more cost-efficient. Hence, choosing superior quality products is really helpful.
At the same time, you should not overspend beyond your budget on your supplies. Identity suppliers that meet your budget and offer quality at the same time.
5. Keep Track Of All Your Supplies In One Place
Your hotel supplies can be easily managed with the help of a PMS, or Property Management System. Managing each hotel department individually incurs costs and consumes time. However, it the help of a PMS system, you can easily keep track of all the departments. You can also track the hotel supplies all in one place.
6. Build Connections With Vendors
A way you can get hotel suppliers is by building and leveraging relationships with them. If you have a vendor who has been providing you with quality supplies for a long time, you can build great relations. For example, you can invite them for a stay and build a relationship that goes more than being transactional.
You can also use contacts and hunt for new vendors by asking your friends and families. If your friend has a great quality of hotel supplies, you can ask them too. If you choose a vendor, check for referrals and testimonials to get an accurate picture of their performance.
7. Vendors Should Be Professional
If the vendors are not professional, it can hamper the delivery of the services. For example, not coming on time, being rude, not explaining what is the issue and just fixing it, not replying to calls, not giving follow-ups, etc. Vendors need to be professional, only then they can deliver and give the hotel customer satisfaction. At the end of the day, businesses are customers as well.
8. After Sales Service
Along with sales, it’s the after-sales that are crucial. A hotel supplier must have great after-sales support. If a product fails, then the vendor should be able to provide you with a satisfactory resolution - a refund or a replacement. This will help hotels resolve any issues they face quickly and efficiently.
With these tips, you will be able to pick the right hotel suppliers for efficient business. Hotels depend on supplies for housekeeping, amenities, food and beverages, rooms and other guest experiences. Keeping these supplies on track will ensure that your hotel offers great customer satisfaction.
Read our blogs to know more about the various aspects of the hospitality industry, its trends and various solutions.